Valentines whiskey cocktails
Valentines whiskey cocktails

Alternative Applications: Add mint leaves, lemon wedge and a dash of straight bourbon. If you’re looking for something on the sweet side at a decent proof (two different proofs are available) that tastes more natural than a liquorer, Traverse City American Cherry Edition and Traverse City Barrel Proof Cherry Whiskey are a very fun place to start. Montmorency cherries have to be a devilish infusing agent as they are quite powerful in flavor. Whether you're looking for a classic whiskey cocktail or something a little more adventurous, there's a recipe out there for everyone. The key is to add more flavor to the whiskey than a barrel finish typically would, while still retaining the characteristics of the base whiskey. Whiskey cocktails are perfect for Valentine's Day because they're strong, smooth, and can be customized to suit any taste. Our Take: If you’ve ever tried to infuse your own whiskey or think simply dumping a jar of Montmorency cherries in a whiskey will produce the same results, you’ll probably end up with something drastically different. Taste: Montmorency cherries | Vanilla | Leather | Light oak | Sweet Traverse City Barrel Proof Cherry Whiskey ‍ Alternative Options: Oak & Eden Bourbon & Brew, Am-Pm Coffee Bourbon, Seven Stills Fluxuate Or add caramel and make your own caramel macchiato. Alternative Applications: Make it a cocktail by adding some sugar cubes and bourbon cream poured over ice and topped with whipped cream. Negroni The Spruce Campari is one of the reddest ingredients in the bar and it's essential for many famous dinner drinks, including the Negroni. Be aware this does have limited availability so check out our alternative options below. If you love coffee and whiskey, this should do the trick. It will also likely send a jolt to your system thanks to its strong flavor, high proof, and caffeine level. CinnaBURN Featuring a Fireball Hot Chocolate Recipe to get you warmed up this Valentines Day Difficulty: Easy Servings 1 cocktail Author Monica C Ingredients 1. Why not combine the two? With a growing number of coffee flavored whiskeys on the market, August Coffee Flavored Whiskey stands out for its natural tasting coffee flavor and not its sugar content. While that might be fitting on most occasions, on Valentine’s Day you might still be in the mood for more booze. Our Take: One of the best ways to conclude a special dinner is with a cup of coffee. An essential to anyones whiskey experience, the mint julep is one of the freshest cocktails you will find. Taste: Black coffee | Toasted vanilla bean | Slightly bitter | Mild oak Swoon-Worthy Valentines Whiskey Cocktails You Need to Try CHAMBORD SOUR COCKTAIL RASPBERRY LOVE VALENTINES DAY COCKTAIL BLACKBERRY WHISKEY LEMONADE.

Valentines whiskey cocktails